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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Random Links April 1, 2009

I **** Modern games turned to old-school NES ones. Pretty nice… makes me wish for days in which all games only had the A and B button plus the directional pad.

II **** Domino’s Pizza code Bailout, was for 1 FREE Medium Pizza…only problem is Domino’s never intended that code to actually be availble…to late though. 11,000 people used it LOLOL  Good thing is, they will honor those free pizzas.

III **** Be careful with revolving doors!!!

IV ***** The difference between Pixar and Dreamworks…obviously we all know which is best ;-)

V **** Some babies are just born cool

VI **** Oh man, take it easy its a lion at the gas station!!! No wait…wow…impressive!

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  1. Wow man that poet has cool jokes that just me crack up

  2. this website is awesome.! =D


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