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Thursday, May 7, 2009


One of the highlights of watching Wolverine, were the teaser trailers. Not only did we get Terminator:  Salvation, but also Transformers 2, which looks like its going to be pretty good (better than the 1st one hopefully). But there was one other trailer that caught my eye, and that was District-9. It was if you recall, having to do with aliens. Now in the trailer the aliens face was blurred and what they said, had no subtitles. Yet it still looked interesting.  Well if you’re curious i have here the trailer with no blurring and subtitles to get a better feel for the movie.

Personally i’m interested. What are you’re thoughts about it? And… am i the only one that thinks the ship got ripped right out of Independence Day??

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1 comment:

  1. This teaser trailer reminds me of the movie called Independence Day.Also the alien crap thing
    actually makes the movie more interesting for me
    cause i like movies that have a little twist so
    yeah i thank the poet for taking out the blur and
    adding the subtitles.So this movie looks like is
    going to be cool


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