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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine REVIEW

wolverine fail Best Thing: Wolverine, come on…best x-men hands down

Worst Thing: SO much wasted potential…that and wraith…

Score: Got out of the theater and said 3.5/10 (probably cause the wolverine fanboy inside of me pushed me to this verdict) but after thinking about it. 1.7/10

Almost a year and half ago when this movie first was being announced, everyone was supped about it. I mean, come on, whats not to love? We were gonna have a movie about Wolverine!! I mean, even though the other 3 movies where basically Wolverine’s movies, this was going to be just him. The main character, front and center. No more crappy Cyclops or stooge-like Storm. Just WOLVERINE. Cool.

YET…thats not what happened. What FOX decided to do, was to make WOLVERINE’s origin. Problem is, that we basically knew his origins cause the other 3 XMEN movies were debating that. You have him having all these headaches about his past and walking around..etc. So instead of moving forward with the franchise and Wolverine, they moved back. Why? Well now after seeing the ending to Origins, basically because they want to make X Men: Fist class part 1,2 and 3. So they sacrificed Wolverine in the process, believing that he will heal and walk again to box office glory like he always does.

So after that small rant, whats wrong with the movie besides the mentioned points? There’s no point. This movie really has no point but to just give wolverine adamantine claws and skeleton. Thats it plain and simple. All the action, all the “story” could have easily been skipped and we could have just gotten to the point of Wolverine getting his claws and forgetting everything.

Another flaw, no sense of fear or worry. As the audience we have to root for the good guy, and feel fear, that he might get hurt or die. NONE WHAT SO EVER. WHY? cause they make wolverine out to be like superman in this movie. I mean this guy can’t die at all. He doesn’t age. He’s immortal. So put 2 immortals in a fight together, without any danger to anyone around them, in other words just 1 on 1, and you have very boring pointless action (even though good special effects).

One pointless scene that really bothered me was the fight between Wraith ( and Sabertooth. Its the most pointless fight in the movie. Why? Well u would figure that Wraith would figure out, “Gee… wolverine is like indestructible has been fighting wars for years, killed his father, has huge this guy is bad to the bone…YET he can’t kill Sabertooth, even though he stabs him countless times with his claws!” Yet Wraith somehow gets to the conclusion that if he punches Sabertooth enough times, he’ll kill him. take a moment to process that ……………………………………………

Yep… POINTLESS. If Wraith wasn’t a class A stooge, as soon as he would have seen Sabertooth, he would have BOUNCED himself out of there, to Hawaii or something!! Not inches away from Sabertooth. And worst of all unarmed. PATHETIC!!wolverine photo cooler than movie

I could go on ripping this movie for more of its flaws, like Agent Zero (the Chinese Mutant with the guns), this guy opens up the movie with a crazy action scene taking out all the guards, YET….when he is chasing Wolverine on the Helicopter, he doesn’t once think “Hmm…i have some beasty aiming, why dont i just shoot Wolverine’s motorcycle gas tank when he’s out in the open,  so the thing blows up and Wolverine has to walk, he’ll be slower = easier target for me and my crew”. Stuff like that gets me mad, and dont get me started on how they mixed Weapon XI with Deadpool, please none of that.

Take it easy ppl and here’s hoping they dont make X Men Origins: Storm.

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1 comment:

  1. This guy is right cause i really expected more of gambit fighting and deadpool fighting so yeah that was a piece of scrap other words the movie was a bit crappy.


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